& Certik.com Redesign

& Certik.com Redesign

The Startup CertiK is a blockchain security company that focuses on providing security solutions for the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. They offer services such as auditing, formal verification, and smart contract security assessments to ensure the safety and reliability of blockchain projects.

Visual Designer, UI/UX Designer


Molly Jiang, Monier Jalal


32 Weeks


Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop


Users struggled to efficiently locate Certik's services, leading to inconsistencies in user experience, especially on mobile devices.

The existing visual identity doesn't align with our branding strategy and lacks the trustworthiness essential for Certik’s expertise.


I conducted extensive research, analyzing leading security websites in Web3 industries. Through stakeholder interviews and discussions with marketing and design experts, I gained insights into Certik’s operational goals and branding vision. Collaborating with designers and security specialists, I explored diverse visual metaphors for security.

Rigorous testing on various devices resolved responsive design issues. Images and interactive elements were optimized for fast loading and smooth interactions on mobile devices.


I crafted a comprehensive visual system encompassing illustrations, icons, and infographics, effectively narrating Certik’s services and value proposition. Opting for a 1:10 ratio of red and black colors. I developed dedicated pages showcasing testimonials, partnerships, and support ecosystems. I incorporated universally recognized symbols like shields, locks, and interconnected nodes to enhance the perception of security and trust.

I restructured content for clarity, offering concise summaries on home pages with in-depth details available. Navigation menus now feature brief descriptions under product names. Interactive elements, including collapsible sections and tooltips, offer context without overwhelming users. Product pages were enriched with animated transitions, hover effects, and interactive infographics. Clear calls-to-action now guide users to relevant sections and resources.  


After conducting extensive usability studies and implementing iterative refinements, the redesigned pages demonstrated a remarkable 20.7% increase in website conversion rates. This notable improvement stands as a testament to the effectiveness of the design changes. Users consistently reported enhanced navigation ease and faster task completion, reflecting a substantial enhancement in their overall experience.
